
Over-collateralized "Bubble-free" Finance

Decentralized token minting system

In a decentralized asset issuance method, each participating user is a "minter" / "coiner" and the tokens of the MEFI platform are minted by the participating users.

The stablecoin USDTs are over-collateralized to mint unstable coins with a steady value increase - platform coins and governance tokens MEFI.

Assets are collateralized for circulation, sufficient funds in the USDT contract pricing pool are available for redemption, and the redeemed MEFI tokens destroy deflation from the total circulation.

It is similar to the mechanism of over-collateralization of MakerDAO to mint DAI stablecoin and redemption and destruction.

WEB3.0 DAO market value management method

The advantages of advanced WEB3.0 are introduced for decentralized DAO governance.

The financial model and mechanism adopt the "strong deflation design of tokens", which is initiated by user actions to trigger and promote the deflation of tokens.

Free minting, redemption, transfer, and trading are realized through the minting of collateral assets.

The users may select a number of ways to participate in token value preservation and free trading to balance the price-difference bubble of the platform system and the swap secondary market, i.e. there is a spread arbitrage space when the price of the platform system is higher than the swap token price, and when the price of the platform system is lower than the Swap token price, and smart users will automatically balance the market value as "spread arbitrageurs".

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